Watch the latest news videos and the top news video clips online at ABC News UoH turns a fortress on account of 'Rohith Vemula Shahadath Din' On his death anniversay, Rohith's mom, brothers, friends and journos detained Though the cause of suicide is yet to be ascertained, sources revealed that the deceased was depressed for the past few months, which may be because of detection of a curable disease a few months backAdivasi is the collective term for the Tribes of the Indian subcontinent, who are considered to be the indigenous people of India prior to the Dravidians and IndoAryans It refers to "any of various ethnic groups considered to be the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent" However India doesn't recognise tribes as indigenous people
Rinesh Chohan בטוויטר 9 अगस त व श व आद व स द वस पर प र व श व क आद व स य क ह र द क श भक न ए
9 august adivasi din video